Mastering Process Clarity With Aka: Sops, Dtps, and Risk-free Operations

In today’s competitive landscape, efficient processes aren’t just an advantage—they’re a necessity. Whether it’s managing salaries, tracking inventory, or streamlining day-to-day operations, having well-structured Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Detailed Task Procedures (DTPs) ca ...

Solving E-commerce Payment Reconciliation: The Key to Financial Clarity and Vendor Trust

In today’s e-commerce landscape, expanding your brand across multiple online platforms is essential for growth. However, managing financial transactions across these platforms can quickly become a daunting task. Every click and purchase generates numerous financial activities, and without proper reconciliatio ...

The Power of Your Data With Sap Hana and Power Bi

Integrating SAP HANA with Power BI can provide numerous benefits for organizations looking to leverage their data for better decision-making and analytics. Here are some reasons why integrating SAP HANA with ...

Modern Trade Reconciliation: Solving Real-World ERP and Multi-System Data Challenges

Running a modern trade business is complex—think supermarkets, retail chains, and hypermarkets. From promotions to payments, every transaction must be tracked and reconciled across multiple systems, often leading to data discrepancies that impact finances and operations.

 At Ajay Kumar & Associates, we know full automation isn’t always feasible. That’s why our solution automates up to 80% of reconciliation, while our experts address the remaining 20% with precision.

 Key Reconciliation Challenges We Tackle: